When your business needs money quickly, a hard money loan may be the only real option available to you. While it can be far more difficult and time consuming to qualify for a traditional loan, the hard money lenders Texas is home to can provide you with a solution to your immediate needs until you’re able to qualify for a more traditional loan.
Of course, it’s important to remember that since the hard money lenders Texas businesses may need are almost always private lenders, there is a lot of variation on what you will find when you take out a hard money loan. As a result, it’s important that you pay attention to the specifics of your loan.
Luckily, a few key points are all you really need to remember when looking into the different hard money lenders Texas is home to. The following factors are the key things to keep in mind.
• Interest Rates – Interest rates aren’t entirely governed by regulations, and private lenders are able to set their rates where they want. Pay attention to this when choosing your loan or you could end up paying too much.
• Qualification Requirements – With most hard money loans, you’ll be borrowing a percentage of the value of the property you put up as collateral. There may be some other qualification factors as well, but usually the main factor will be the assets you secure the loan with.
• Fees or Penalties – Late payment penalties, early payoff fees, and other issues are worth paying attention to as well. These hidden fees could be hard to spot, but may bring serious costs to your loan. Read your contracts carefully. The best lenders won’t try to take advantage of you with hidden costs.
• Reputation – If you’re still in doubt, do a bit of research into the hard money lender. Find out more about their reputation and their history and you should be able to determine whether or not you can trust them. Just a small amount of online research is all it will usually take to get the info you need.
If you’ll keep those four basic things in mind you should be able to find the best Texas hard money lender for your needs. We can help. For more info call: 713-784-7676 or email: info@houstonmoneyman.com